Stellar research from McGill MedStars

From memory and neural activity, to sleep regulation and the effects of strokes on gait, the recently published research of five exemplary students...
January 11, 2011

The evolution of cancer detection

The pharmaceutical giant, Johnson & Johnson has recently announced the upcoming commercialization of tests capable of screening and counting the lowest amount of...
January 11, 2011

All in a day’s work: Excellence in Practice

By Annette Mahon Anna Santandréa: Excellence in Practice For Anna Santandréa, the motivation to do her work well comes from the people she...
January 11, 2011

Appointment of Dr. Lesley K. Fellows Nomination de la docteure Lesley K. Fellows

It is with great pleasure that I formally announce the appointment of Dr. Lesley Fellows to the position of Interim Chair of the...
December 21, 2010

Tribute to Dr. Richard J. RiopelleHommage au Dr Richard J. Riopelle

Dr. Richard J. Riopelle has dedicated over a decade of leadership to our Faculty as Chair of the McGill Department of Neurology and...
December 21, 2010

McGill and UQAC join forcesL’Université McGill et l’UQAC unissent leurs forces

The Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC) has signed an agreement with McGill University to implement a physiotherapy program in the Saguenay region...
December 17, 2010

Rethinking anti-oxidants Repenser les antioxydants

For dozens of years now, the protective benefits of antioxidants against free radicals toxicity has been promoted, molecules that are supposed to accelerate...
December 14, 2010

All in a day’s work: The ‘go to’ personLe travail au quotidien

By Annette Mahon Anna Jimenez: The 'Go To' person Anna Jimenez is never too busy to lend a hand. “I enjoy the fact...
December 13, 2010

Exploring mixed methods researchExploration des méthodes mixtes

A 3-credit course entitled "Applied Mixed Methods in Health Research" is open for enrollment for the Winter 2011 semester (DENT 672 co-instructors: Drs....
December 10, 2010

Family medicine becomes a specialtyLa médecine de famille devient une spécialité

Among the other specialties which will now be recognized by the Collège des médecins du Québec are thoracic surgery, vascular surgery, pediatric hematology-oncology,...
December 9, 2010

Innovate for LifeInnover pour la vie

The latest annual report of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), covering the period that runs from April 1, 2009 to March 31,...
December 8, 2010

All in a day’s work: Taking the initiativeLe travail au quotidien

By Annette Mahon Thomas Leslie: Taking the Initiative Perhaps inspired by his talents as a tenor virtuoso, Thomas Leslie has managed, in only...
December 6, 2010