Researchers find new genetic pathway behind neurodevelopmental disorders
Researchers at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute, have discovered a new genetic process that could one day provide a novel target for...
December 7, 2012
Treating ovarian cancer: new pathways through genetics
A multi-disciplinary team led by the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI MUHC), in collaboration with the Lady Davis Institute...
September 26, 2012
Vitamin B12 deficiency: tracking the genetic causes
Vitamin B12 is essential to human health. However, some people have inherited conditions that leave them unable to process vitamin B12. As a...
August 27, 2012
Caffeine may ease Parkinson’s symptoms
Caffeine, which is widely consumed around the world in coffee, tea and soft drinks, may help control movement in people suffering from Parkinson's....
August 2, 2012
McGill researchers find cancer risk related to heart scans
Researchers at McGill University Health Center (MUHC) and the Jewish General Hospital found that patients exposed to low-dose ionizing radiation from cardiac imaging...
February 15, 2011
McGill partners with leading Swiss neuroscience research group
The collaboration, backed by $200,000 in annual funding for three years, will see the institutions exchange scientists, develop research projects, establish fellowships for...
October 4, 2010
Biochemist unlocks gene’s role in breast-tumour growth
New research led by McGill Biochemist Dr. William Muller helps explain why breast-milk cells lose their structure, causing them to clump up in...
April 30, 2010
Major breakthrough in the diagnosis of Parasitic Diseases
Chagas disease affects more than 10 million people, primarily in the Americas. In South America alone it kills 50 000 people each year....
April 28, 2010
You had me at hello: frisky yeast know who to ‘shmoo’ after two minutes
Yeast cells decide whether to have sex with each other within two minutes of meeting, according Dr. Vahid Shahrezaei of Imperial College London,...
April 22, 2010
Discovery of a gene associated with schizophrenia
Genetic mutations could predispose some people to schizophrenia, Canadian researchers say in a study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy...
April 14, 2010
Dual approach gives a more accurate picture of the autistic brain
The study, published in the April issue of neuroimaging journal Human Brain Mapping, was conducted by researchers at The Montreal Neurological Institute and...
April 13, 2010