Faculty Council and Town Hall meeting now online

If you didn’t have the opportunity to join us at the Faculty Council and Town Hall meeting earlier this month, you can now...
March 29, 2011

Proof in Images

Proof in Images (Preuve par l’image) is organized by the Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas), in collaboration with the Société pour la...
March 29, 2011

Ovation nomination deadline extended to midnight, Thursday, April 21

The deadline to nominate someone for the 2011 Dean of Medicine Awards of Excellence has been extended. Make sure to submit your nominations...
March 28, 2011

Research Town Hall

The Office of the Vice-Principal (Research & International Relations) is holding a special event for the entire Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. Thursday,...
March 21, 2011

Turning knowledge into practice

To address the many challenges facing the health care system today, the discipline of nursing has made a concerted push in the past...
March 20, 2011

Concerto I Medici

I Medici and McGill Medicine present: Classical music concert to the benefit of the Montreal Children's Hospital. When: Saturday March 26th, 7:00 p.m....
March 14, 2011

Call for papers

The Neuroradiology department of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital is accepting abstracts for the morning session of the Denis Melançon Neuroradiology Lecture...
March 7, 2011

Registration for the “Critical Care Ultrasound Symposium 2011” is now open!

This year the symposium will focus on “Bedside Ultrasonography: What's the evidence?”; it will take place on June 11th, 2011 at St Mary’s...
February 28, 2011

Enhancing student learning with online technology

The Faculty Development Office & The Centre for Medical Education present: How online technologies can enhance student learning as part of their MEDICAL...
February 22, 2011

Boost Your Health

Boost Your Health', a new series focusing on healthy living through prevention, eating right, exercise and stress reduction, is going on now! Each...
February 21, 2011

Call for Québec-Canada-Europe integrated research on genomics

The results of these collaborative research projects are expected to provide the basis for translation into advances in the prevention, prediction, diagnostics and...
February 18, 2011

In Memoriam: Peter T. Macklem, 1931-2011

Peter T. Macklem, OC, BA, MD, CM, DHC(Hon), FRCPC, FRSC It is with profound sadness and regret that we announce the death at...
February 14, 2011