All over Montreal, as well as throughout the 17 Quebec regions, the ‘24 hours of Science’ offers again this year lots of fun and exciting activities. From Friday May 6 at noon, until Saturday May 7 at the same time, the public is invited to take part in some 200 different activities for youth, families, adults and seniors. On the theme ‘Open Doors on Science’, this event includes all kind of activities for fans of the environment, health, astronomy and many other scientific and technical fields.

Photo: Douglas Institute

Among others, the Montreal Neurological Institute offers special ‘Visit your Brain’ activities using some striking visual images and a real human brain while at St-Mary visitors will discover modern X Rays technologies, visitors to the Royal Victoria Hospital will be able to build a spinal cord and a virtual health visit of the XXIst century is offered at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.

More on 24 ‘hours of Science’ ►
St-Mary’s Hospital Center activities ►
Royal Victoria Hospital activities ►
MNI activities ►
Montreal Children’s Hospital activities ►
Messager LachineAll over Montreal, as well as throughout the 17 Quebec regions, the ‘24 hours of Science’ offers again this year lots of fun and exciting activities. From Friday May 6 at noon, until Saturday May 7 at the same time, the public is invited to take part in some 200 different activities for youth, families, adults and seniors. On the theme ‘Open Doors on Science’, this event includes all kind of activities for fans of the environment, health, astronomy and many other scientific and technical fields.
Photo: Douglas Institute

Among others, the Montreal Neurological Institute offers special ‘Visit your Brain’ activities using some striking visual images and a real human brain while at St-Mary visitors will discover modern X Rays technologies, visitors to the Royal Victoria Hospital will be able to build a spinal cord and a virtual health visit of the XXIst century is offered at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.

More on 24 ‘hours of Science’ ►
St-Mary’s Hospital Center activities ►
Royal Victoria Hospital activities ►
MNI activities ►
Montreal Children’s Hospital activities ►
Messager Lachine