Proof in Images (Preuve par l’image) is organized by the Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas), in collaboration with the Société pour la promotion de la science et de la technologie (SPST). This contest is based exclusively on images stemming from scientific research, taken from all fields of knowledge.
All techniques and technologies are welcome: photos, x-rays, drawings, graphics…

Biological guitar: confocal microscopy in fluorescence by Sébastien Thomas from McGill University. Photo: Acfas inc.

In order to participate, you can either submit a project in a team or individually.

Who can participate:

• University graduate or post-graduate researcher students, or postdoctoral researchers

• Researchers working in a public or private research centres

• Research professors and researchers, at the college or university level

Prize: four prizes ranging from $500 to $2000, an exhibition of the finalists at the Eureka Festival and presentation of the winners on the Radio-Canada airwaves.
NEW CUT-OFF DATE: Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Submitting an application: three elements to be included
1. The image:

For evaluation purposes by the jury, the image submitted must be medium sized: approximately 1500 pixels by 1500 pixels for a 72 dpi image, or a total size of approximately 1000 to 2000 KB or 1 to 2 MB.

The image submitted must be accompanied by a catchy title, an explanatory text in non-technical language, and a description of the techniques/technologies used. The texts must be written in French.

Catchy title: maximum of 50 characters, not including spaces

Explanatory text in non-technical language: between 600 et 900 characters, not including spaces

• Explain the image and the related research;

• Highlight the role of the image in the research;

• Draft your text with a curious adult audience in mind, but an audience who is not necessarily a specialist in the field of research in question.

Description of the technique/technology used and any modifications made, if applicable: maximum of 300 characters not including spaces. For example: the technology used is single photon emission tomography and colour was added to the image.

2. The participation form, written in French, must be sent along with your submission [FORM in Word format].
3. A curriculum vitae of the individual participant or of the group leader.
The three elements can be sent to
For more information: Johanne Lebel 514 849-0045, Ext. 231,