Vulnerability to depression linked to noradrenaline
First-ever connection between noradrenergic neurons and vulnerability to depression The team of Bruno Giros, a researcher at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute...
February 15, 2016
Common gene variant influences food choices
The same gene variant may lead girls to make healthy or unhealthy food choices- depending on their early socio-economic environment If you’re fat,...
February 11, 2016
A new approach to attacking cancer cells
Researchers uncover mechanism that makes cancer cells more susceptible to treatment Beyond dealing with fighting the disease itself, cancer patients undergoing treatment via...
February 4, 2016
Understanding the silent stages of Alzheimer’s disease
Study leads to potential new drug treatment for early stages of disease Covertly, Alzheimer’s disease progresses silently over decades in those afflicted before...
February 4, 2016
Suicide: victimized teens more at risk
Thinking about suicide or attempting suicide : victimized adolescents more at risk at 15 A new study published in the Journal of the American Academy of...
February 4, 2016
Location may be key to effectively controlling pain
Targeting the pain receptor at the cell’s nucleus has a major effect on its ability to transmit pain signals In real estate, location...
February 3, 2016
Heart attack: Gender matters in predicting outcomes
Canadian researchers found that gender role is more important than biological sex in predicting health outcomes after heart attack Sex (biological and physiological...
February 2, 2016
Chronic pain changes our immune systems
Epigenetics may bring us one step closer to better treatments for chronic pain Chronic pain may reprogram the way genes work in the...
January 28, 2016
Uncovering new targets for the treatment of cystic fibrosis
Study establishes roadmap for future research on therapies for cystic fibrosis and other protein trafficking diseases Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common...
January 22, 2016
Guidelines for human genome editing
Model used for in vitro fertilization to identify genetic defects could provide policy guideposts Human genome editing for both research and therapy is...
January 22, 2016
Second language acquisition may depend on how brain talks to itself
MNI researchers explore why learning a second language is easier for some people than for others Learning a second language is easier for...
January 22, 2016
Targeted drug delivery could help fight tumors and local infections
Some drug regimens, such as those designed to eliminate tumors, are notorious for nasty side effects. Unwanted symptoms are often the result of...
January 20, 2016