Health in the Community
Skepticism expressed over vaping’s value in helping smokers to kick the habit
Source: JGH Even though vaping has been touted as a means of helping nicotine addicts to quit smoking, the JGH’s Smoking Cessation Counsellor...
December 18, 2019
Virtual reality transports Palliative Care patients to inspiring, exotic locales
Digital technology raises spirits, while easing anxiety and depression Source: JGH Year after year, Lucie Lacroix kept hoping she might one day accompany...
December 18, 2019
An historic alliance that saved thousands of children in Quebec!
Fiftieth anniversary of the collaboration between Mr. H. Arnold Steinberg and Dr. Charles Scriver Source: RI-MUHC On November 18, the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation hosted...
December 18, 2019
Forum sparks integrated care advocacy for elders
By Matthew Brett Next steps are taking shape following the Mobilizing Knowledge for Elder Empowerment Forum held at the Institute of Health Sciences...
December 12, 2019
Donation of $17 Million to Fight Lung, Esophageal and Stomach Cancers
The Montreal General Hospital Foundation announces essential support Source: RI-MUHC and HGM Foundation The Montreal General Hospital Foundation has announced essential support for...
December 10, 2019
Seventy-two years of holiday cheer
The Reitman Family Holiday Luncheon is an annual tradition Source: Victor Swoboda, The Neuro What does Justin Trudeau have in common with Wilder...
December 10, 2019
The Advanced Modular Manikin™… sometimes, it is all about the technology!
Discussing the benefits of crowd-sourcing healthcare simulation development with Dr. Robert Sweet, 15th Annual Flanders Family Visiting Professor in Medical Simulation By Diane Weidner...
December 5, 2019
Recent event a step towards improved community engagement
By CHASM Leadership How can we do better as a community? 14 students, seven community members, and three faculty/alumni members convened to try...
December 5, 2019
Opioid addiction is target of new JGH guidelines
Maximum amount of opioid medication is reduced for many surgical patients Source: JGH As opioid addiction takes an increasing toll on society, new...
November 28, 2019
One of the less-talked about challenges facing homeless women
Source: McGill News In the summer of 2017, Julia Coste, BA’19, got her period on board a packed airplane. It was early—she hadn’t packed...
November 28, 2019
Screening for thyroid dysfunction in patients without symptoms: don’t routinely check that box
New guideline from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care A new guideline from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care...
November 22, 2019
Pulling out all the stops at the RI-MUHC’s first Open House for prospective trainees
World-renowned researchers. Vibrant learning environment. First-class facilities. If it sounds too good to be true, you weren’t at the Open House! Source: RI-MUHC...
November 19, 2019