Lack of joy from music linked to brain disconnection
SOURCE: The Neuro Using fMRI data, researchers found that while listening to music, specific musical anhedonics presented a reduction in the activity of...
January 9, 2017
Significant advance in understanding the disparity in prognosis between men and women in melanoma
Though it has been shown that men who get melanoma are twice as likely to die from the disease as women, the biological...
December 21, 2016
Study to explore e-cigarettes as smoking cessation tool
Participants sought for clinical study Despite the well-established risks of smoking, it continues to contribute to the death of more than 37,000 Canadians...
December 8, 2016
New marker identified for pancreatic cancer
Breakthrough has potential to help diagnose deadly disease at earlier stage Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Due to its...
December 1, 2016
Do nights, weekends affect survival after pediatric cardiac arrest in hospital?
For hospitalized children, the rate of surviving to discharge was lower for those who had cardiac arrest with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at night...
December 1, 2016
Gene discovered to cause rare, severe neurological disease
Epileptic encephalopathy linked to protein trafficking gene By Shawn Hayward, The Neuro Researchers have linked a debilitating neurological disease in children to mutations...
December 1, 2016
Anti-cancer agent mechanism for high activity and low neurotoxicity published by McGill researchers
Diazon Pharmaceuticals Inc. last week announced the publication of a preclinical oncology study identifying the novel mechanism of action of its new synthetic diazonamide...
November 24, 2016
Opioid use drops after active treatment, but most older patients with breast cancer continue treatment for distress and anxiety into survivorship
Courtesy of the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (JNCCN) As reported in JNCCN, a recent study from McGill University shows that...
November 23, 2016
New study sheds light on antibody development
Findings have potential impact on vaccine design Antibodies protect us from infection by binding themselves to pathogens and labeling them for destruction by...
November 23, 2016
Our sense of smell is influenced by culture
By Shawn Hayward When two people smell the same thing, they can have remarkably different reactions, depending on their cultural background. Researchers at...
November 23, 2016
A race against time to diagnose deadly weight loss in cancer patients
From MUHC Newsroom MUHC researchers hope to save lives by giving doctors a tool to diagnose cachexia – a serious health condition associated...
November 4, 2016
Researchers identify gene associated with intracranial aneurysm in French-Canadian population
By Shawn Hayward, The Neuro Scientists have identified a gene in the French-Canadian population that predisposes them to the development of intracranial aneurysm...
November 1, 2016