Making Connections
Friday October 3, 2014
8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
McGill Faculty Club
3450 McTavish St.
The newly created McGill Research Centre for Physical Activity & Health serves as a focal point for researchers with an interest in promoting health through physical activity. To set the wheels in motion we have organized our first annual symposium entitled: “Making Connections”.
Speakers who are active members and collaborators in our research centre include Dr. Pruessner of McGill’s Centre for Studies in Aging and Dr. Bherer, Director of PERFORM Centre, Dr. Taivassalo, VP of McGill’s Research Office Dr. Stroud and Dr. Hepple, Director of the PATH Centre, along with others with whom we hope to generate new linkages. We invite you and your trainees to come and learn about our research and join us in discovering the PATH to better health.
To register, please send an email with your name, department/institution and contact information to: