I am pleased to announce the appointment of Véronique Paradis to the role of Director, Human Resources, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Ms. Paradis succeeds Martin Roy, who recently accepted a new opportunity in municipal government. Mr. Roy first came to McGill in 2013, and for the past two years, he expertly led the Faculty’s Human Resources team, responsible for all Human Resources (HR) matters as well as the added challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of Workday. Mr. Roy worked closely with senior Faculty members, and provided expert guidance and advice to our Faculty administrators. We sincerely thank Mr. Roy for his leadership these past couple of years and for his many contributions to the Faculty.
Ms. Paradis completed her undergraduate studies at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) obtaining certificates in Health and Social Services Management, Social Sciences and Human Resource Management. She later obtained a Masters in Organizational Development from Université Laval.
In 2019, Ms. Paradis joined McGill after spending more than 15 years in human resources management at several organizations in the province’s health and social services network including the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (CIUSSS NIM) and Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal.
For the past two years she has worked in McGill’s Human Resources department as a Senior Labour and Employee Relations Advisor, where she was responsible for many aspects of developing and implementing collective agreements and policies. She provided expert counsel to all levels of University management and led briefings for faculties, departments and units on a variety of labour relations topics. She also worked collaboratively with union representatives to develop creative conflict resolution initiatives and negotiate various resolutions.
Ms. Paradis’s community and volunteer work includes serving as President of the Board of Directors of the Réseau québécois d’éducation en santé respiratoire (RQESR) and mentoring new HR and organizational development graduates through the Société québécoise de psychologie du travail et des organisations (SQPTO).
As Director of Human Resources in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ms. Paradis will lead the Faculty’s Human Resources team in its daily operations and manage all matters related to HR. She will work closely with senior Faculty members, providing guidance and advice aligned with the missions, priorities and policies of the Faculty. She will also provide coaching and guidance on all aspects of HR to Faculty administrators.
Ms. Paradis will be responsible for the Faculty’s HR strategies, policies and procedures, and will develop and implement solutions to a wide-range of multi-faceted HR issues such as labour relations, training, compensation, recruitment and retention of administrative and support staff, succession planning, and organizational development.
Please join me in welcoming Véronique Paradis to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and in wishing her every success in her new role.
Demetra Kafantaris, MBA
Executive Director, Administration and Operations
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences