The McGill University Dementia Education Program is excited to unveil its new website design this month. Please visit www.mcgill.ca/dementia to access free resources created by a team of multidisciplinary health care leaders to educate and support people living with dementia (PLWD) and their care partners. Here are a few examples of what you can find online!
The new season of McGill Cares is now underway, supported by our new Amelia Saputo Community Outreach for Dementia Care partnership initiative. Launched in May 2020, there are now over 70 past episodes with leading experts to access at your convenience.
Dementia, Your Companion Guide is currently available to download in six languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Mandarin, with more languages to follow, thanks to support from the Grace Dart Foundation. This friendly guide includes information on the science and progression of dementia and practical advice on safety and self-care.
You will also find the Dementia Activity Booklet, a detailed online resource that encourages PLWD to engage in the activities that they enjoy in order to contribute to their sense of self, promote creativity and add to their quality of life.
For a global perspective of dementia, we encourage you to read the World Alzheimer Report 2021, Journey through the diagnosis of dementia, delivered by the McGill co-editors to Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) last September. The McGill team has also prepared the 2022 edition on post-diagnostic support, set to launch on September 21, 2022. You are welcome to register for the launch webinar!
Caring Conversations, a new community outreach initiative designed to provide virtual support for care partners of PLWD, will launch on September 22 at 2 p.m. EDT in English. Facilitated by social workers Lucy Barylak and Joanne Besner, participants will have the opportunity to share concerns and ask questions either online or by telephone.
More community outreach initiatives, recordings of public lectures, and links to trusted resources are also available on our website to help support you as you navigate the challenges of dementia.
Our goal is to help as many people as possible by providing reliable information and support to PLWD and their care partners, so please share widely in your networks!