The McGill Interdisciplinary Initiative in Infection and Immunity (MI4), will host its 4th Annual Scientific Symposium on November 18, 2022, from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
This year’s symposium highlights interdisciplinary approaches to pandemic preparedness.
“COVID-19 taught us that Canada was not ready for a pandemic,” explained MI4 Director Dr. Marcel Behr. “While we all want to go back to some form of ‘normal’, we need to take stock on the lessons learned, to be prepared for the next pandemic.”
The MI4 community will explore these lessons from different perspectives, by bringing together leaders in research, from molecules to patients to populations, and providing perspectives from academia, government and global health policy.
The event will feature a keynote lecture by Carole Jabet, Scientific Director, Fond de Recherche du Québec – Santé and a live interview with Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor at the School of Population and Global Health and Director of the Pandemic and Health Emergency Readiness Lab at McGill University. Dr. Liu will be interviewed by the Globe and Mail’s André Picard.
Other highlights include presentations by McGill University experts Dr. Chen Liang, Prof. Dominic Frigon and Dr. Sapha Barkati.
“McGill scientists stepped up to study the SARS-CoV-2 virus, investigate new treatments and study new ways to deliver interventions to the populations most at need,” said MI4 Co-Director Dr. Marie Hudson, while underlining the contribution of local experts.
The symposium, a hybrid event, will be held at the McGill University Faculty Club and online.
The MI4 team looks forward to welcoming you on Nov. 18.