RI-MUHC researchers provide expertise and advice


Dr. Don Vinh is a researcher in the Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health Program at the Research Institute of the MUHC

Source: RI-MUHC

When Premier Legault and Quebec’s director of public health exhorted young people last month to avoid “exchanges of biological liquids,” the newspaper Le Devoir sought clarification from Dr. Don Vinh, a scientist at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) and medical microbiologist at the MUHC. In the same week, Dr. Vinh contributed his expertise to a COVID-19 FAQ for La Presse. It wasn’t because he had time on his hands.

In this turbulent period for healthcare research, members of the RI-MUHC are refocusing their resources to launch the fast-track initiatives and clinical trials needed to learn about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and defeat COVID-19. However, they know it is just as vital to help the public understand and protect themselves in the midst of a pandemic. These are only a few of the media in which RI-MUHC researchers were interviewed in the past weeks.

  • Marcel Behr: “Confronting COVID-19: A special webcast with McGill health experts,” McGill Reporter; related Alumni Webcasts of March 19 and March 31
  • Reza Farivar-Mohseni: “Montreal hospitals launch ventilator design challenge amid coronavirus pandemic,” Global News; “McGill University research institute launches global contest to find new ventilator designs,” CBC News
  • Jason Harley: “Feeling anxious is normal: researcher,” Let’s Go with Sabrina Marandola, CBC Radio
  • Jason Harley and Tina Montreuil: “Managing anxiety during a pandemic: A webcast with McGill experts,” McGill NewsAlumni Webcast
  • Christos Karatzios: “Coronavirus: Self-isolating is a must for snowbirds returning home,” Montreal Gazette
  • Chen Liang: “Les chercheurs d’ici mobilisés,” La Presse
  • Emily McDonald and Todd C. Lee: “Une étude montréalaise teste l’hydroxychloroquine sur des volontaires,” La Presse; “Quebec health institute advises caution in use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19,” CBC News
  • Tina Montreuil: “Tips for managing anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic,” The Globe and Mail; “Coronavirus anxiety is a normal response. Here are ways to cope,” Montreal Gazette; “Managing anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic,” CTV“Enfants et adolescents : comment les aider à surmonter leurs angoisses?” Radio-Canada
  • Jesse Papenburg: “Effect of social distancing measures will take time to appear, experts say,” National Post
  • Caroline Quach: “Émission spéciale sur la COVID-19,” Les années lumièresRadio-Canada
  • Donald Vinh: “Que sont ces «produits biologiques» susceptibles de propager le coronavirus?” Le Devoir; “Pour tout savoir sur l’origine du nouveau coronavirus,” La Presse

April 6 2020