By McGill Reporter Staff
Carleton University will bestow an honorary degree on McGill Principal and Vice-Chancellor Suzanne Fortier on June 10 to recognize her “outstanding leadership in the Canadian scientific community while fostering research opportunities for future generations of scholars.”
A native of St-Timothée, Québec, Prof. Suzanne Fortier is a graduate of McGill, where she received a BSc (1972) and a PhD in Crystallography (1976). While at McGill, she was awarded both an Entrance Scholarship and the R.P.D. Graham Scholarship for an exceptional student in Geological Sciences.
Stuart H. “Kip” Cobbett, Chair of McGill’s Board of governors, said Prof. Fortier’s honour is highly deserved.
“The honorary doctorate confirms the great respect the academic community has for Suzanne,” Cobbett said. “We at McGill see her leadership in action every day. We are very proud of her and delighted by this acknowledgement of her many accomplishments.”
Over the course of her career, Prof. Fortier has been a strong advocate of research excellence and partnerships. Before taking up the role of Principal in September 2013, she served as President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) since 2006. During her time at the granting council, Prof. Fortier strengthened discovery research and Canada’s capacity to attract the best talent. Her substantial skill in building relationships allowed her to promote business-university partnerships and to forge stronger ties with national and international organizations to increase joint research initiatives.
Read more in the McGill Reporter.