We are pleased to announce the appointment of Patrick Willemot, MDCM, to the newly created position of Assistant Dean, Admissions, Equity and Enrollment, Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), McGill University.
Dr. Willemot obtained his medical degree from McGill where he also completed his residency in internal medicine, subspecialty training in general internal medicine, training in echocardiography and a diploma in the McGill Teaching Scholars Program. He is Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine (GIM) at McGill, and from 2015 to 2023, was Program Director for the General Internal Medicine subspecialty training program.
Dr. Willemot is a general internist in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), where he was recently appointed Clinic Director for the Royal Victoria Hospital site. He also works as a general internist at the Tehsakotitsén:tha Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre in Kahnawake, and as médecin conseil for the Régie régionale de santé et services sociaux du Nunavik. Previous positions include member of the FMHS Indigenous health curriculum committee, general internist at the Chisasibi Hospital, the CSSS de Manicouagan, and the Stanton Territorial Hospital, Yellowknife, NWT. In 2013, Dr. Willemot was attributed founder status in the subspecialty of GIM, at the time of its recognition by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Dr. Willemot is active in the Division of GIM at McGill, and has been involved in collaborative and iterative implementation of equity, diversity and inclusion principles. He developed and implemented the Indigenous cultural competence learning workshop, and the Northern GIM rotation elective for both GIM and core IM residents. He is actively involved in exam development and committee work at the Royal College and has collaborated with Collège des médecins du Québec on provincial training guidelines.
The MUHC Department of Medicine has recognized Dr. Willemot for his teaching and clinical work with the W. H. Philip Hill award (Outstanding Clinician-Teacher) in 2018, and the Outreach award in 2015 for his work with the Ungava Bay Inuit and the James Bay Cree.
Reporting directly to the Associate Dean, PGME, Dr. Willemot will work in collaboration with international partners, regulatory authorities, program directors, assistant deans, the Faculty’s International Affairs Office, and Faculty leaders. He will also act as a liaison with the International Affairs Office to maintain and strengthen international partnerships related to PGME.
Dr. Willemot will lead the implementation, oversight and initiatives related to admissions, equity and enrolment throughout the trainee life cycle. He will ensure that institutional admissions processes are equitable and in compliance with national accreditation standards, and provide guidance and expertise to program directors and admissions committees on equitable admissions practices. He will also liaise with provincial regulatory bodies and government agencies on issues related to work permits and special requests.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Willemot on his appointment and wishing him every success in this new role.
Lesley Fellows, MDCM, DPhil
Vice-President (Health Affairs)
Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Christian Pineau, MDCM
Vice-Dean, Academic Affairs
Regina Husa, MD
Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education and Professional Affairs