Hosted by the Academic Affairs Office and the Faculty Development Office, the online workshop gave 17 newly appointed faculty the chance to connect with new colleagues and learn about resources available to them.  

Amid the buzz of Orientation activities for learners, newly appointed faculty also received a warm welcome as the academic year commenced.  

On August 29, 2024, the Academic Affairs Office and the Faculty Development Office hosted an online orientation workshop for these new members of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) community. The workshop, attended by 17 new faculty, provided an opportunity to learn about the resources available to them, to ask questions about working in academia and to connect with their colleagues.  

Christian Pineau, MDCM, Vice-Dean, Academic Affairs, says: “Every time we hold this event, I’m always so excited to meet all the new brilliant people who will be shaping the McGill of tomorrow. It’s such a great opportunity to welcome them and to show them how much the University and its entire community come together to support everyone’s success.” 

Sophie Vaillancourt, MBA, S-LP, Associate Dean, Faculty Development, says: “While this workshop is designed to familiarize new faculty with the resources available to them and give them a sense of their possible career trajectories at McGill, it also offers the opportunity for them to connect with other members of the faculty.  

“Having lived through the same process, I always like to share the information that I wish I had known when I started at McGill, like how to keep track of everything I did for my teaching portfolio or how to be strategic about some of the choices I had to make to direct my career within the Faculty,” she adds.  

YiQing Lü, PhD, Faculty Lecturer in the Ingram School of Nursing, attended and praises the workshop as effectively offering “a very welcoming and thorough overview of the Faculty and its culture”. He also appreciated learning more about on- and off-campus resources for development and community engagement, as well as hearing stories from Dr. Pineau and Prof. Vaillancourt about their own experiences in academia. 

“Together, it provided a very warm, welcoming environment and a clear road map for our academic journey ahead at McGill,” he adds. 

One point in particular stood out to Prof. Lü: “Rather than competing with you, all your colleagues want to help you succeed.” 

Orientation workshops for newly appointed faculty have been hosted within the FMHS since 2012 and are offered twice a year.  

For more information on these workshops, visit the Faculty Development Office website. Resources for new faculty are also available here 

