It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 2013 edition of the Montreal International Symposium on Angiogenesis and Metastasis (MISAM 2013) which will take place at McGill University in historic and beautiful city of Montreal, Quebec, Canada on June 12-14, 2013.

This biennial event offers a unique program filled with latest advances and emerging concepts in key areas of angiogenesis and metastasis with a focus on primary and metastatic brain cancers. Experts in brain tumour genetics, molecular pathology and investigators studying key biological processes and therapeutics will come together and discussions on new driver mutations will be interwoven with studies on the biology of the diffuse growth, invasion and intracranial dissemination, anatomical and developmental determinants of the disease and unique vascular microenvironment. Speakers and participants will bring their insights on the role in such processes as drug delivery, biomarkers, imaging technologies, therapeutic responses, stem cell niche formation, angiogenesis and metastasis from extracranial tumour sites. Moreover, adult clinical neuro-oncologists, clinical trialists and basic researchers will have a rare opportunity to meet their pediatric counterparts.

MISAM 2013 represents a deliberate and unique effort to bring down the barriers, blend diverse research streams and offer a creative ambiance composed of the interdisciplinary faculty, participants and the public. The key notes will be struck by leading international and national speakers, and complemented by presentations from graduate and post-graduate trainees, competing for the Phil Gold Scientist-In-Training Awards. Furthermore, general public will have an opportunity to learn, firsthand, about the latest discoveries and newest approaches to treatment at the Goodman Public Lecture organized as part of this symposium.

We hope to stimulate discussions that will continue outside of the lecture halls and extend beyond the two-day symposium. Our city with its picturesque streets, world-renowned restaurants and long-standing tradition of thought, learning, science and humanism will provide the ideal surrounding for this exciting exchange of ideas.


Magdalena Maslowska, PhD,

Project Manager

Goodman Cancer Research Centre

3655 Promenade Sir-William-Osler, Room 702A

Montreal, QC, H3G 1Y6

Tel. 514-398-6268



April 9, 2013