As part of our Spring Convocation 2024 coverage, we asked graduates from our six Schools to share their experiences of completing a degree in McGill’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Here, we meet Class of 2024 member Moustafa Laymouna from the School of Medicine. Moustafa completed his MSc in Family Medicine and receives his degree at the Spring Convocation Ceremony on May 28. Congratulations Moustafa!
Name: Moustafa Laymouna
Degree: MSc Family Medicine
Hometown: Alexandria, Egypt
What did you love most about studying at McGill and in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences?
I loved the vibrant academic environment and the incredible diversity at McGill. The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, specifically the Department of Family Medicine, provided an exceptional platform for interdisciplinary learning and research, which was crucial for my academic growth and for my long-term goal as a clinician-scientist.
Can you tell us about your thesis?
My MSc thesis focused on the use of AI chatbots by healthcare providers in HIV care. Currently, my PhD dissertation is on the rapid initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for treatment-naïve individuals recently diagnosed with HIV.
How will your research positively impact on society?
My research aims to enhance HIV care by leveraging AI to support healthcare providers and by optimizing ART initiation protocols. This has the potential to improve patient outcomes, streamline care processes, and ultimately promote health equity and better quality of life for people living with HIV.
If you could change one thing in the world to make it better, what would you choose?
I would work towards universal, equitable, free and rapid access to healthcare to ensure that everyone, regardless of their socio-economic status or geographical location, receives the medical care they need.
Please share a particularly proud or challenging moment from your degree?
One thing I am proud of is when my first author paper got accepted in a high impact journal, winning various academic and travel awards to present my research at esteemed conferences, and seeing my parents proud of what I am doing.
Your fave places to study, eat and be active?
I could study anywhere as long as I had work to do, but I used to work a lot at McGill’s library. For food, I like homemade food and cooking for myself. I also enjoy street running and cycling in Montreal.
A phrase that defines your past few years as a student at McGill?
The phrase that defines my journey is “It is not over until I win.” Another phrase that resonates with me in my own language is “إِنَّا لَا نُضِيعُ أَجْرَ مَنْ أَحْسَنَ عَمَلًا.”
Any shoutouts?
A huge shoutout to my supervisors, Drs. Bertrand Lebouché and Tibor Schuster, as well as my parents and family, who I have been missing since I joined McGill overseas. Their guidance and support have been instrumental in my academic and research journey.
Top tip for incoming students in your program?
Embrace the diversity and interdisciplinary opportunities at McGill. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your professors and peers for support and collaboration.
Anything you’ll miss?
Not really, since I am continuing my journey at McGill as a PhD student right after completing my MSc.
What’s next for you?
Next is my PhD, and afterward, I plan to continue my clinical work, aiming to be a clinician-scientist as my long-term goal.