Source: Douglas Research Centre
This video is for research participants. It demonstrates the details of a lumbar puncture technique to collect cerebrospinal fluid for biomedical research. This procedure includes several steps to minimize discomfort and provide a good and safe experience for research participants while providing quality samples for biochemical analysis.
This technique was used and refined by Dr. Pedro Rosa-Neto and his clinical team at the StoP-Alzheimer Center of the Douglas Institute Research Center, for the PREVENT-AD research program. It was replicated in the BIOVIE / TRIAD cohort at McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging (MCSA), in the Quebec Consortium for Early Identification of Alzheimer’s Disease (CIMA – Q), and in the Canadian Consortium for Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA).
This Canadian consortium initiated and funded the project of documenting this technique on video for training purposes for research teams in neuroscience who plans to build this type of lumbar puncture program. A public version was also produced to demystify this intervention and to enrich the consent process by providing relevant visual material to facilitate decision making. Practical training for physicians is also available and accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Film Director: Thomas Buschbeck; Producer: Marc-André Simard ; Director of photography: Marc Pelletier; Illustrator: Maxime Bigras; Animator: Vincent Brunet-Dupont; Voice-over artist: Lauren Hartley
December 17 2019