August 16-23, 2014

Vancouver, BC roundtrip

7-night Alaska CME Cruise

Join the Second Annual McGill 2014 CME Cruise Conference

Register today at

Clinical Update in Medicine

Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine, Geriatrics, & Computers in Medicine aimed to meet the needs of physicians, and other health care professionals.

This accredited program developed by McGill University, offers high quality educational courses tailored to your needs. You will have the opportunity to:

  • Update your knowledge & skills,
  • Develop practical office-based clinical strategies,
  • Interact with well-known educators from McGill University in a relaxing environment,
  • Receive 18 Mainpro-M1, and MOC Section 1 credits,
  • Combine learning and vacation with your family.

To learn about the program, click here.

For more information contact: Sea Courses Cruises

Toll free: 1 888 647 7327 / /

We look forward to welcoming you,

Ivan Rohan, MD

Associate Dean, CHPE

Faculty of Medicine

McGill University

Sea courses eng

December 9, 2013