We are pleased to announce the January 2013 edition of Alumni Newsletter, “Focus Nursing”, entitled, “The Dawn of a New Era” is now available for download. This issue features messages from both the Director and Alumni President of the Faculty of Nursing, a spotlight on current faculty members, information on how McGill nurses are making a difference, alumni news, and more!
The first story of the newsletter, brings us back to the OIIQ endorsement of the bachelor’s degree for licensure in nursing. Margaret Hooton, one of the School’s best-loved educators, recounts the story of Iceland’s transition to the BScN requirement in the 1970s and 1980s. Her story highlights the importance of understanding history, culture,
economics and the political system when implementing change —lessons that remain relevant for us today as we wait to see what Quebec’s next move will be.
This issue of Nursing Focus will introduce (or reintroduce) you to five of the faculty members: Jane Chambers-Evans, Sean Clarke, Maria Di Feo, Françoise Filion and Lia Sanzone. The enthusiastic commitment of these educators to the
School has brought new ideas and approaches, energizing everyone around them. Sean Clarke writes about the Collaborative and his role as chair in enabling the initiative to meet its goals. Pages 10 and 11 are a collage of photos displayed at the celebrations on September 10th. There are also stories by alumni and students recounting their
experiences in Bangladesh, Inukjuak, Latvia, Panama and Tanzania and their work with peer support, tuberculosis screening and remodelling of the family room at the Montreal Chest Institute. In addition, Johnny Sit, president of the alumni association, shares plans for various events during the year.
To read the full newsletter click here
February 26, 2013