A Brilliant Night is a way to take action for those impacted by brain cancer
Source: Victor Swoboda,The Neuro
Brain cancer is a terrible disease, and the lifespan for those diagnosed is often measured in months. A dedicated group of people who lost loved ones to brain cancer strive to make the future brighter for patients and their families.

“I’d never done volunteer work before and never thought I had the capacity to do something like this,” notes Small, whose father died of a glioblastoma several months before the first ABN, which by chance took place on his birthday. “It was important for us to show an example and create something. We planned it, organized it and now have this template from which it grows.”
Small, a journalist who hosts an online food show, Beyond The Plate, for The Gazette, has used her connections in the food industry to produce in-kind donations that have made ABN a delectably foody event.

“Now I help with the silent auction, gift bags and logistics,” says Wexler, who learned fundraising skills while preparing ABN. She credits Dr. Petrecca and his MUHC oncology colleagues with prolonging her mother’s life.
“My mother was in Florida when doctors there diagnosed her with glioblastoma and gave her only months to live. In Montreal, Dr. Petrecca performed many surgeries on her and she lived four years. The size and location of the tumour made her eligible for these surgeries, which unfortunately isn’t the case for all brain tumour patients.”
When Marie-Claude Lacroix became an ABN co-founder, she and her husband, Ivan Boulva, were already managing another fund at The Neuro, the Francis Boulva Memorial Fund in memory of their son, who died of a glioblastoma at age 27 less than a month after diagnosis. He held a McGill medical degree and was studying pediatrics.

Although grief brought ABN’s co-founders to share a common goal, Lacroix believes that it’s not necessary to grieve to donate or to practice philanthropy.
“Indeed, when people who have not been affected by illness choose to offer their time or money to the cause, it’s even more admirable.”
All this said, the latest committee members include others who lost a loved one recently through disease. One member is living with brain cancer herself.

“As honorary chair, I see my role as rallying other technology supporters by putting AI forward as a new hope,” says Le Bouthillier, who has a large photo of his late father hanging on a wall in Imagia’s sleek offices in Montreal’s AI hub in Mile End. The elder Le Bouthillier died of pancreatic cancer.
A month after ABN has finished, they start planning the next one. Each of them, along with the many volunteers, add their own light so that A Brilliant Night can shine brighter.
October 21 2019