The next seminar in the PRinCE Webinar Series is scheduled for Feb 17 at 2 pm. This will be a special seminar to honour the memory and research accomplishments of our friend and colleague, the late Jason Young, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, McGill University. The title of this seminar is “Functions of Chaperones – A Tribute to Jason Young’s Legacy in Chaperone Protein Folding.”
The seminar will feature two speakers who have collaborated with Jason:
Presenter: Martin Duennwald, PhD (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, Canada)
Presentation title: Chaperoning protein misfolding in ALS
Presenter: Carlos H I Ramos, PhD (Chemistry Institute, University of Campinas UNICAMP, Brazil)
Presentation title: The chaperone HSPB1 prepares protein aggregates for resolubilization by HSP70
The session will start with introductory remarks by Walid A. Houry (University of Toronto), David Y. Thomas (McGill University) and F. Ulrich Hartl (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany), followed by the two presentations (25 min + 5 min questions). The session will then be opened for remarks from the audience about Jason.
Please note that this session will be recorded and that it might extend until 3:30 pm.
Zoom link:
meeting ID: 930 5915 3178
password: 095443