Yesterday, the Government of Quebec recognized the problem in its new “Quebec Research and Innovation Strategy” and is granting some $200 million in new money over three years in an attempt to resolve it. “We invest a lot in research and development, but our productivity gains are slow to emerge in comparison with the United States and the rest of Canada. In terms of innovation, a lot of stones need to be overturned to understand what’s going on,” admitted Clément Gignac, minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade, to La Presse Affaires… The most enthusiastic reactions undoubtedly come from the entrepreneurial community, which appreciated seeing Quebec’s attempts to harness innovation in Quebec to boost productivity. As far as the academic community is concerned, the Conference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities (CREPUQ) “welcomes the efforts expended by Minister” Gignac to “focus on research, science and technology”…
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Click here for the updated Quebec Research and Innovation Strategy documents (in French).