Faculty Honour ListPlease join us!

Faculty Honour List Symposium
Thursday, June 12, 2014
4:00 to 5:30 p.m.  

Holmes Hall

3605 de la Montagne 

Congratulations to Gillian Bartlett-Esquilant (Family Medicine), Farhan Bhanji (Pediatrics) and Isabelle Gagnon (PT &OT) for being selected for the Faculty Honour List for Educational Excellence 2014-15.

A reception will follow.

To view a list of the previous recipients, click here.

RSVP to Jennifer Nicholls at facdev-events.med@mcgill.ca or (514) 398-2698.

The Faculty Development Office, in collaboration with colleagues throughout the McGill Faculty of Medicine, designs and implements faculty-wide and departmental symposia to improve the skills of faculty members as teachers, researchers and administrators.

May 28, 2014