The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) recently recognized Dr. Nancy Mayo as a leader in the health sciences from McGill as a newly elected CAHS Fellow, one of the highest honours for individuals in the Canadian health sciences community. Elections are based on a nominating and peer review process that seeks to recognize those who are marked by a record of substantial accomplishment.

Dr Mayo is a health outcomes, health services, and population health researcher with interests in all aspects of disability and quality of life in people with chronic diseases and the elderly. She currently has research projects in Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, seniors’ health, stroke, hip fracture and HIV. In all these areas, she focuses on the measurement of health outcomes, the application of modern statistical methods, and knowledge translation.

CAHS is Canada’s first national advisory body of healthcare leaders and researchers from across the country. For more information, including a complete list of Fellows, please visit:


September 20, 2010