Congratulations to the inauguaral winners of the 2012 Chanchlani Global Health Research Award Dr. Madhukar Pai and Dr. Nitika Pai!
The Chanchlani Global Health Research Award was created by the Chanchlani Family and McMaster University this year to recognize a leading scholar in the area of Global Health. The Scholar will be selected based on his or scholarly contributions to Global Health. Each year a discipline within Global Health (i.e. Determinants of Health, Policy Development, Innovative Solutions) will be chosen, and an internal review committee at McMaster will review leading candidates.

Dr. Madhukar Pai and Dr. Nikita Pai received a monetary prize of $5,000 CDN, and travel and accommodations were covered to enable them to visit Hamilton, Ontario, Canada to receive the award. During that time, they presented a state-of-the-art lecture to researchers, and a lecture of more general interest to the McMaster University community on a Global Health topic of broader scope. Opportunities for informal scientific exchanges between the scientist/scholar and faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate medical students were emphasized during the visit.
October 1, 2012