Dr. Ernesto L. Schiffrin, Distinguished James McGill Professor and Vice-Chair in the Department of Medicine, McGill University, Physician-in-Chief of the Jewish General Hospital Department of Medicine and Director of Vascular and Hypertension Research Unit at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research and Director of the Cardiovascular Prevention Center, has been selected as the recipient of the International Society of Hypertension ISH Franz Volhard Award and Lectureship for Outstanding Research for 2021.
This award and lectureship was endowed by Farbwerke Hoechst in 1972 to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Franz Volhard. Awardees are to have initiated in the field of hypertension, or in a related discipline, a concept which remains of current interest. The 2021 Award is presented to Dr. Schiffrin in particular in recognition of the ground-breaking research on the role of vascular remodelling and role of endothelin, angiotensin II, aldosterone, inflammation and T regulatory lymphocytes in hypertension.
Dr. Schiffrin is “recognized widely in the hypertension community for his trail blazing research and curriculum vitae that provides testament to outstanding contribution to the biology of hypertension, its causation as well as clinical research that affected guidelines and practice.”
Dr. Schiffrin will be presented the award at the virtual ISH Awards Ceremony and Presidential Lecture on April 13th, 2021 during the Joint Meeting ESH-ISH2021 ON AIR.
In addition to the Award, Dr. Schiffrin will deliver a lecture during the Awards Ceremony on his work related to hypertension.