“Sensory experience shapes cortical maps throughout the lifecourse: from good to bad plasticity”
Dr. Étienne de Villiers-Sidani
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Montreal Neurological Institute
Friday, April 4, 2014 11:00 a.m. McIntyre Medical Sciences Building, Room 1034, 10th Floor
“Understanding pathogenic and functional mechanisms in polycystic kidney disease”
Dr. Marie Trudel
Research Unit Director
Molecular Genetics and Development
Friday, April 11, 2014 11:00 a.m. McIntyre Medical Sciences Building, Room 1034, 10th Floor
“Actomyosin Regulation in the Development of Dendritic Spines and Synapses”
Dr. Donna Webb
Department of Biological Sciences
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Friday, April 25, 2014 11:00 a.m. McIntyre Medical Sciences Building, Room 1034, 10th Floor
Refreshments will be served before the seminars.
Contact: Rosetta Vasile: (514) 398-4343 or rosetta.vasile@mcgill.ca
April 2, 2014