Each year, Campus Public Safety teams pick a safety champion among faculty and staff

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences’ Building and Infrastructure Management Office (BIMO) was included among the McGill staff members and teams honoured at the annual Security Services Community Barbecue, on September 15. 

“Each year, the Campus Public Safety teams recognize colleagues they consider to be safety champions by naming them Safety Ambassadors,” said Pierre Barbarie, Senior Director, Campus Public Safety. “These are individuals or groups of individuals, whose jobs are not necessarily related to safety, but who go out of their way to make their building, their department or the campuses a safer place for everyone.” 

This year, the Safety Ambassador recipients included four individuals and two teams, including the BIMO  which was nominated by the Office of Emergency Management (OEM), who were introduced by Interim Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance) Diana Dutton: 

“The BIMO team has long been a committed partner of the Office of Emergency Management in promoting safety and preparedness,” VP Dutton said. As written in the OEM’s nomination submission, “in the past few years, this has included strong engagement in preparing for the return to in-person activities during the COVID-19 pandemic response, providing feedback and suggestions for improving awareness and preparedness activities in their buildings, and reaching out for the newest training when available.” “The BIMO team is a proactive team committed to providing a safe environment for their community and I want to express to them how grateful we are for their dedication,” VP Dutton added. 

“We’re extremely proud to have been selected as one of McGill’s 2023 Safety Ambassadors and are grateful to have one of our core pillars – prioritizing the health and safety of the FMHS community while ensuring the delivery of the University’s critical missions in education and research – acknowledged,” said Geneviève Côté, Director of BIMO. “Throughout the pandemic, including during the return to campus period, we worked to be a vehicle to help communicate shifting protocols and bridge any gaps, while at the same time being relentless in our work to ensure safety and security protocols were adhered to. We’re thankful for our relationships and the mutual support we have with our wonderful colleagues in the Office of Emergency Management and Campus Security and thank them for this recognition.”  

Congratulations to the entire BIMO team!