To all members of the Faculty community,
These are profoundly distressing times for all in our community, here and around the world.
The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences stands with Principal Saini in his expression of horror and sorrow for the suffering Hamas has inflicted on the people of Israel and the continuing violence in Israel and Gaza, which he shared in his message Thursday.
We stand against all acts of violence, which is in direct opposition to the Faculty’s mission – to heal and to save lives. We stand with our Faculty community, many of whom I have heard from and who have shared their concerns over the last few days.
Our hearts are broken for all those who are impacted, members of our community who have lost family and loved ones.
In these very difficult times, I ask that we continue to respect and support each other, keeping our mission, and the support of our students, at heart.
Lesley Fellows, MDCM, DPhil, FRCPC
Vice-Principal (Health Affairs)
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences