On March 22, the McGill International TB Centre held its 7th Annual TB Research Day, formally launching its designation as a WHO Collaborating Center. More than 60 participants attended the event, which included poster and oral presentations by trainees, student prizes and awards, as well as a global health film festival with movies focused on TB, jointly hosted with the McGill Global Health Programs.

The event included presentations from research leaders at McGill and the RI-MUHC. Dr. Madhukar Pai, Director of the TB Centre, delivered his ‘Year in Review’ while also officially releasing the Lancet Commission on TB report. Dr. Dick Menzies, Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre on TB Research, provided an overview of activities planned for the newly formed Centre and Dr. Joia Mukherjee, Chief Medical Officer, Partners in Health & Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School, delivered the keynote lecture.


Marcy 29, 2019