This message is sent on behalf of Dr. Annette Majnemer, Vice-Dean, Education, McGill Faculty of Medicine.


Dear faculty members,

Faculty members continue to step up, create, engage and inspire despite these difficult times. The dedication to teaching and learning that we see daily demonstrates clearly that our faculty members are Proud to Teach. Thank you for all that you do.

The University is offering a range of workshops to support remote teaching and active participation is encouraged.

This partial list includes workshops being offered by Teaching and Learning Services, along with a summer discussion series called “Faculty Matters,” created by the Provost & Vice-Principal (Academic) Office.

Preparing course content

June 15  (2:00-2:45pm) Details and registration

June 17  (12:00-12:45pm) Details and registration

Promoting student interaction and engagement for remote learning

June 16 (12:00-12:45pm) Details and registration

June 18 (12:00-12:45pm) Details and registration

Engaging students online with Zoom: Taking Zoom to the next level

June 17 (2:00-2:30pm) Details and registration

June 22 (1:00-1:30pm) Details and registration

July 9 (12:00-12:30pm) Details and registration

Managing your course in myCourses

June 16 (2:00-2:45pm) Details and registration

June 22 (12:00-12:45pm) Details and registration

July 6 (12:00-12:45pm) Details and registration

Getting started with Polling @ McGill

July 6 (1:00-2:00pm) Details and registration

July 8 (12:00-12:30pm) Details and registration

Creating online assessments in myCourses

June 15  (12:00-12:45pm) Details and registration

June 19 (12:00-12:45pm) Details and registration

July 7 (12:00-12:45pm) Details and registration

Teaching remotely part 1: Effective pedagogy at a distance
Part of the “Faculty Matters” discussion series

June 16 (12:00 pm) Details and registration

Teaching remotely part 2: Success stories
Part of the “Faculty Matters” discussion series

June 23 (12:00 pm) Details and registration

Peer assessment with Peergrade

June 23 (2:00-2:30pm) Details and registration

July 9 (1:00-1:30pm) Details and registration

July 10 (1:00-1:30pm) Details and registration

Respectful and inclusive learning environments
Part of the “Faculty Matters” discussion series

July 7 (12:00pm) Details and registration

Equity and university life balance through and after COVID-19
Part of the “Faculty Matters” discussion series

July 21 (12:00pm) Details and registration

Supporting students through and after COVID-19
Part of the “Faculty Matters” discussion series

August 4 (12:00pm) Details and registration

Welcoming new colleagues in person, from a distance
Part of the “Faculty Matters” discussion series

August 18 (12:00pm) Details and registration

Further resources for the TLS workshops are available here, along with recordings of previous sessions. Video recordings and resources from previous “Faculty Matters” sessions are available here. We encourage you to take advantage of these resources.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to teaching and learning. Please do not hesitate to reach out.


“If you can’t do what you do, you do what you can” – Bon Jovi.



Annette Majnemer OT, PhD, FCAHS

Vice-Dean, Education, Faculty of Medicine



June 12 2020