Left to right: Mark Daly, Elliott Morrice, Cindy Yu Josee Warda, Sonya Panzera (Photo: Mark Daly)
Left to right: Mark Daly, Elliott Morrice, Cindy Yu
Josee Warda, Sonya Panzera (Photo: Mark Daly)

By Patricia Vasquez, MUHC

On June 29, the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) hosted an orientation session for residents and fellows for the first time at the Glen site. With over 200 people in attendance, the event had the highest turnout in four years.

This year, the invitation was extended to Pediatric residents, who are normally welcomed separately from the adult care residents. Everyone had the opportunity to hear a variety of plenary talks, followed by a visit to 18 informational booths that were set up in the atrium of the Research Institute.

Information provided through the booths ranged from parking, infection control, to health and safety practices in the work environment. In order to facilitate the process, each resident and fellow was provided with a “passport” that was stamped as they visited each stand.

“The first thing that impressed me was the organization of this day,” said General Surgery resident, Nadia Safa. “The idea of having the passport was very original and made it so much easier when navigating through each booth.”

“I think it’s the best orientation I’ve ever had. All the information we needed was given in one day at one location and within a great atmosphere,” added ICU fellow, Sara Aldekhyl.

According to Mark Daly, the MUHC director of Education, a hospital based orientation of this scale is unique to the MUHC.  “I think that an event like this gives us a chance to meet the residents, introduce our services, and ensure that their experience with us begins on a positive note,” he says.  “I’m extremely proud of my team for planning and executing such a successful day.”

Participants with completed passports were also given the opportunity to enter a drawing for one of two $100 gift certificates to Baton Rouge, or one month of free parking at the MUHC.

Sara Aldekhyl, ICU fellow. (Photo: Patricia Vasquez, MUHC)
Sara Aldekhyl, ICU fellow. (Photo: Patricia Vasquez, MUHC)

Nadia Safa, resident in General Surgery.
Nadia Safa, resident in General Surgery.
“Not only were the major issues addressed at every booth, but there were also other booths providing information that I didn’t even know I needed.” (Photo: Patricia Vasquez, MUHC)

Lisa palladini, Psychiatry resident; Rebecca Hazan, Psychiatry resident “Lisa Palladini: I’m looking forward to my first paycheque! (Laughs). I hope to be a balanced person; I want to succeed in my career, but also dedicate some time to my personal life. I’d like to have a sense of accomplishment at the end of my residency.” (Photo: Patricia Vasquez, MUHC)
Lisa palladini, Psychiatry resident; Rebecca Hazan, Psychiatry resident
“Lisa Palladini: I’m looking forward to my first paycheque! (Laughs). I hope to be a balanced person; I want to succeed in my career, but also dedicate some time to my personal life. I’d like to have a sense of accomplishment at the end of my residency.”
(Photo: Patricia Vasquez, MUHC)

Rafael Rocha, fellow in Cardiac Surgery; Marcel Tomaszewski, Internal Medicine resident; Charles Nhan, Radiology resident.(Photo: Patricia Vasquez, MUHC)
Rafael Rocha, fellow in Cardiac Surgery; Marcel Tomaszewski, Internal Medicine resident; Charles Nhan, Radiology resident.(Photo: Patricia Vasquez, MUHC)

Brian Bradley, Administrative manager, Alan Edwards Centre for Research on Pain; Krista Brecht, Clinical nurse, Alan Edwards Centre for Research on Pain.  Krista Brecht, Pain Management booth:
Brian Bradley, Administrative manager, Alan Edwards Centre for Research on Pain; Krista Brecht, Clinical nurse, Alan Edwards Centre for Research on Pain.
Krista Brecht, Pain Management booth: “The MUHC has a legacy of expertise in pain management. We have a variety of specialists and programs and we want to facilitate our residents and fellows coming in to our health network so that they’re aware of those resources for both them and their patient population.” (Photo: Patricia Vasquez, MUHC)

Photo: Mark Daly
Photo: Mark Daly

July 13, 2016