To all members of the Faculty community,
As summer begins and I prepare to hand the leadership of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences to incoming VP-Dean Dr. Lesley Fellows, I write to say: Thank you.
During my tenure as VP-Dean, over more than 11 years, we have faced exceptional challenges – from fires and floods through to COVID-19. But, on reflection, what strikes me is how the FMHS continues to innovate, reinvent itself and overcome every obstacle. As a Faculty we continue to deliver excellent programs, to conduct ground-breaking research, and to garner countless highly prestigious prizes and awards. This is only possible because of the outstanding people that make up our community: our students, residents, fellows, faculty and staff. The success of the Faculty is entirely to your credit.
I consider myself extremely fortunate as VP-Dean to have had the opportunity to serve this community, to have learned so much and to have met the most extraordinary people along the way. It has been both an inspiring and a humbling experience.
I wish you all continued success under the strong leadership and support of Dr. Fellows, the Faculty’s next VP-Dean, effective August 1, 2023. And I hope you each may enjoy a bit of richly deserved downtime in the coming weeks.
David Eidelman, MDCM
Vice-Principal (Health Affairs)
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences