St. Mary’s Hospital Center (SMHC) is proud to announce that it is the first hospital on the island of Montreal to obtain the “Baby Friendly Hospital” Accreditation. The “Baby Friendly Hospital” Initiative is an international program that focuses on ten conditions for successful breastfeeding, formulated in 1991 by UNICEF and WHO, as part of an international nutrition strategy. The aim of the “Baby Friendly Hospital” Initiative is to put in place practices that promote respect for the needs and the rhythms of the newborn baby.
“Many thanks to all my fellow hospital staff for your support and collaboration. You played an essential role in the certification process. This success belongs to you and your contribution and dedication will be a role model for other institutions who wish to become Baby Friendly Hospital. It is our collective efforts that have earned us this globally recognized accreditation that speaks to our commitment to give new borns the best possible start to life.” says Marie-France Brizard, Manager of Maternal/Child Care Program.
To mark the occasion, a recognition plaque from the Ministry of Health and Social Services was unveiled at the Annual General Meeting of SMHC earlier today.
For more details on the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, visit the WHO website.
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Alex Fretier, Information Officer, or
Seeta Ramdass, Director of Communications & Public Relations, St. Mary’s Hospital Center
514 734-2665