On October 4 and 5, 2012, the Department of Critical Care Medicine and the McGill University Health Centre will be hosting a symposium entitled, “Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction in the Critically Ill” at B5.01 Goodman Cancer Center.

Topics covered will include clinical aspects of critical illness myopathy, mechanical ventilation-induced diaphragm dysfunction, Animal models of critical care myopathy, Mitochondrial mechanisms of critical care myopathy, and Proteolytic and Autophagy pathways in crticial care Myopathy.

Attendees will hear from 18 internationally renowned experts hailing from The United States, Sweden,  Italy, the UK, and other areas of Canada in the course of this 2 day event.

The symposium promises to be an exciting and beneficial opportunity for all those involved.

For FREE registration, please contact Dr. Sabah Hussain (sabah.hussain@muhc.mcgill.ca)

For more information:

Sabah Hussain: sabah.hussain@muhc.mcgill.ca

Russ Hepple: Russell.hepple@mcgill.ca


For more information on this symposium click here



August 22 2012