Mark your calendar now! Come and meet your partners from RUIS McGill to discuss the opportunities and challenges in your institutions in a collaborative and supportive environment.

This symposium, to be held on May 28 and 29 in the New Residence Hall, will bring together all our network’s key players to present the major areas of development and success, to discuss challenges and issues and to determine the direction for the coming years. This is an opportunity to strengthen existing bonds. The second day will see the launch of the Virtual Health and Social Services Centre, a presentation of the dashboard in Telehealth and a place for regional partners to present their success and deployment projects.

May 28: RUIS McGill in action and synergy
May 29: Interregional telehealth day: the launch of the virtual health and social services centre -The CvSSS

We’ve prepared a stimulating program for you, including a range of presentations by speakers from across the RUIS McGill spectrum!

Click here to register >

New Residence Hall – McGill University

3625, avenue du Parc, Montréal, Québec H2X 3P8

For more information, please visit or email:



April 3, 2012