Teaching What’s Important: Educating Students for Today and Tomorrow
Friday, December 11, 2015
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
New Residence Hall Ballroom
The symposium will begin with an opening panel of Ken Dryden, Professor of Practice, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada; Elena Bennett, Associate Professor, Natural Resource Sciences & McGill School of Environment; and Alan Chen, Undergraduate student, Interfaculty Program in Sustainability, Science and Society address the following question: What’s most important for students to learn at McGill?
To further celebrate the work being done at McGill, we will also hold a Professor-Student Showcase where pairs of students and professors reflect on a meaningful instructional experience they have shared and provide concrete examples from inside and outside the classroom.
Lunch will be provided and the afternoon will be devoted to a teaching lab where individual instructors develop at least one new strategy to enhance the learning experience of their students. These strategies will range from low-stakes activities that take a few minutes for students to complete in-class to more complex assignments that require more involvement from both professors and students.
Participants can register for separate sessions or the entire day.
Contact: Eva Dobler, Teaching and Learning Services