IHSPR Policy Rounds - Performance Measurement - May 28 cropped

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‘Performance Anxiety: Can performance measurement and reporting help improve Canadian healthcare?’

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Why does performance measurement matter?

Performance measurement is used for a variety of purposes, and generally enables health care professionals, researchers, policy makers and the broader health system make better decisions that improve quality of care. In Canada, multiple jurisdictions have implemented and are expanding their use of performance measurement and reporting activities. This webinar will uncover promising approaches and tools to improve healthcare performance measurement and reporting across Canada. Further, we’ll review how much progress has really been made to date, and how to leverage current knowledge and expertise in this area to maximize our efforts.

This webinar features research that was presented at the 2014 CHSPR Conference on Performance Measurement Anxiety, which was cosponsored by CIHR-IHSPR and CIHR-IPPH.


Sabrina Wong (RN, PhD) Faculty, Centre for Health Services and Policy Research

Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of British Columbia

Victoria Lee (MD, CCFP, FRCPC), Medical Health Officer, Fraser Health Authority

Jeannie Haggerty (PhD), Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University


·        Understand the science of performance measurement within the primary healthcare (PHC) context.

·        Learn about best practices for reporting on performance measurement (i.e. bridging research and policy)

·        Demonstrate the usefulness of comprehensive PHC performance measurement as a foundation to inform innovation in the delivery and organization of the Canadian PHC system.

·        Explore performance measurement best practices and questions

Who Should Attend:

Health system decision makers, policy makers, health care professionals, researchers, trainees and other stakeholders with an interest in this area.

What are IHSPR Policy Rounds?

CIHR’s Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) Policy Rounds are webinars that disseminate research results and foster knowledge exchange among researchers, health care policy and decision makers, and other stakeholders. IHSPR Policy Rounds promote evidence-informed decision making.

Anyone is welcome to participate!

To learn more about the Community-Based Primary Health Care, click here.

For information on upcoming IHSPR Policy Rounds, please visit: http://www.cihr.ca/e/45645.html.

May 23, 2014