Keynote speaker: Dr. Raymond R. Price, Associate Director, Center for Global Surgery and Professor of Surgery, University of Utah.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Montreal General Hospital – Livingston Hall (L7-147)

1650 Avenue Cedar , Montréal

Injury and surgical disease are significant contributors to global morbidity and mortality. Surgically treatable conditions alone account for approximately 30% of the global burden of disease. The medical community is increasingly recognizing access to essential surgical care as a core component of all health systems, as demonstrated by the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery and WHO’s Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care. Despite this boost in international attention and research, basic surgical care remains unavailable to the majority of the world’s population.

This conference aims to bring together students and professionals from different health science backgrounds, including medicine, dentistry, nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, across multiple Canadian universities, to stimulate research and promote global surgery.

For more info, click here.

To register, click here.

April 22, 2016