From October 14 to 20, a week-long series of events held across Montreal will shine a spotlight on end-of-life issues.
Sponsored by the McGill Council on Palliative Care as part of its community education program, PROJECTION Week will help the community engage in this important topic through reflection, conversation and planning.
For many, conversations about the big questions of life and death are difficult and uncomfortable. Death is inescapable, yet we spend so much time finding ways to avoid thinking about it, discussing it, or preparing for it and we often don’t know what to say or do when someone close to us is in need of support at the end of their life. We push it away, as though it is not part of life at all…and so instead it becomes a time marked by fear and solitude.
Co-chaired by Kappy Flanders and Suzanne O’Brien, with upwards of 50 events focused on art, music, innovation, healthcare, education and spirituality, PROJECTION Week is designed to be an innovative and unifying experience to help each of us consider how we would like our walk through life to unfold, and what we’d like when we reach our final destination.
Working closely with cultural, community, and religious organizations, as well as with the healthcare, social services, and education sectors, the Council on Palliative Care will share its experiences during the week, giving individuals and communities the tools they need to talk about life, death, and end-of-life issues.
“PROJECTION Week puts a spotlight on our communities’ diversity and creativity,” note the co-chairs. “It is an opportunity to explore our common experiences and learn from each other. We are all inspired by different things. We all learn in different ways.”
Events are being hosted in local communities and neighbourhoods across the city. You can find events in museums, galleries, schools, libraries, faith centres, concert halls and more.
For more information, or to find out how you can get involved, visit:
October 4, 2019