What is Participatory Research?

A systematic enquiry, with the collaboration of those affected by the issue being studied, for the purpose of education and taking action or effecting social change.



8h30 – PLENARY PRESENTATION: Using a Participatory Approach to Health Research – Ann C. Macaulay, CM MD and Jon Salsberg, MA

9h30 –  SMALL GROUP SESSION I: Building Effective Partnerships


10h30 – SMALL GROUP SESSION II: Implementing Participatory Research



Workshop Goals

This introductory workshop is designed to assist members of the faculty of medicine and allied health faculties, schools, and units in building their capacity to conduct Participatory Research and engaging end-users to move knowledge into action. The workshop will focus on: engaging in collaborative research design; identifying and recruiting partners; maintaining partnerships over time; exploring opportunities for funding and dissemination; examining the barriers and facilitators in implementing this research approach and using the research partnerships to move knowledge into action.

Please Register by e-mail at: pram.med@mcgill.ca

Registration Fee: $200

This workshop is an accredited group learning activity as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Section 1) and meets the accreditation criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada (MAINPRO- M1).





April 4, 2013