Have you ever missed a diagnosis?

Get ahead!

Oncology will become a larger portion of your practice!


Oncology course image croppedCancer is evolving into an increasingly chronic disease that is managed by professional health care teams, including family physicians, that now require advanced training and expertise to stay ahead of patients’ needs.

It is in this context that the Continuing Health Professional Education Office of McGill University’s Faculty of Medicine, together with McGill oncologists, has designed and developed a comprehensive, online, accredited course entitled Oncology for Practicing Physicians.

This course is:

                 Targeted for family physicians, specialists, trainees, medical students, nurses and other health care professionals

                 Comprehensive, modularized, interactive, asynchronous and online, with the flexibility to select all or some modules

                 Designed, developed and authored by expert McGill clinicians under the direction of a McGill scientific committee

                 Accredited for family physicians Mainpro-M 1 and specialists MOC Section 2 credits

                 Based on comprehensive needs assessments

                 Supportive of self-directed learning

                 Accessible from a variety of electronic devices, including smartphones and tablets

                 Providing access to oncology experts through the Ask the Expert feature!

To learn more, to view the demo and to register, click here.


June 17, 2014