Dear Colleagues,

As part of our ongoing commitment to ensure inclusive and transparent Faculty governance, we are currently seeking members from the Faculty of Medicine for the new Prize Nomination Subcommittee in Undergraduate Medical Education. (See Terms of Reference and brief description below.)

All nominations must be submitted online and include a few sentences describing the nominee’s interest and the contributions he or she believes they would bring to the committee. Submissions will be reviewed by the Faculty Council Nominating Committee, which in turn will make recommendations to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education, Dr. Beth-Ann M. Cummings.

Please note that the deadline for submissions is Friday, February 16, 2018. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Demetra Kafantaris at


Members-at-large (x2) needed:

The Associate Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) is seeking two members-at-large for participation on the new Prize Nomination Subcommittee:  1 from a basic science department and 1 from a clinical department, both involved in teaching but without a leadership role in UGME.

As the title implies, the role of this new subcommittee is to select and recommend nominees for non-graduation prizes for UGME. The role of the members of this committee is to review the candidates’ academic files, personal letters, prize applications and other relevant documents, and to select and interview potential nominees and make final recommendations.

The time commitment for this subcommittee involves some preparatory reading available prior to the meeting (reviewing the documents), one 2-3 hour meeting to discuss the non-graduation prizes, one 3-hour meeting to interview the candidates for the new Canadian Medical Association (CMA) 150th Anniversary Award, followed by a discussion and selection of the final nominee.

The meeting for the CMA Award will occur end of February and the other meeting will depend on the availability of the committee members but shall occur no later than early April.  Thanks for considering participating in this new and fun subcommittee, where we have a wonderful chance to select students for their positive and outstanding work.

We look forward to receiving your nomination via the online form!

Best regards,

Demetra Kafantaris, MBA

Senior Advisor, Office of the Vice-Principal (Health Affairs) and Dean of Medicine

on behalf of the Faculty Council Nominating Committee