SRP -EngColleagues,

We are pleased to announce that our new Strategic Research Plan (SRP), developed jointly by the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry, is now available online at the link below. 

The SRP, an outcome of a complex process and extensive consultation, is designed to give new impetus to the excellence for which McGill’s health science research is internationally known. It builds on our strengths and resources, anticipating the health needs of society, to help guide future efforts. It also renews our focus on translating basic research into better clinical care.

The substance of the SRP is gleaned from more than 70 contributions in which 90 priorities were identified, reflecting the current perspectives of our health sciences community and feedback from our affiliated research institutes. Leading international experts have also reviewed and validated the document.  

Complementing the University’s strategic plan, the SRP does not supersede plans developed by the Faculties’ individual departments, units, schools or affiliated research institutes. Rather, it provides a framework to help stimulate innovation and attract funding, while we train the next generation of leading researchers in the health sciences.

Although consultation has been extensive, a plan like this is never final. The SRP is a “living” document, one that will be updated over time, as novel research opportunities emerge. We, therefore, encourage you to review the website and share any comments via the online feedback link, also provided below.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many individuals and departments that contributed to the process. We are confident that, with your input, the SRP will ensure McGill remains at the forefront of excellence in the health sciences.

Strategic Research Plan online:

Share your thoughts:


David Eidelman, MDCM

Vice-Principal (Health Affairs)

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Philippe Gros, PhD

Vice-Dean, Life Sciences

Professor, Department of Biochemistry

June 19, 2014