On September 16, the McGill Faculty of Medicine, along with its four major teaching hospitals, released a joint statement affirming their belief in providing an environment where individuals are free to choose to wear “conspicuous religious symbols.” Today, in light of the proposed Bill 60, the Medical Students’ Society of McGill University wishes to add its voice to theirs.
As medical students, we are incredibly lucky to interact on a daily basis with future colleagues and professors who proudly display symbols of their religious beliefs. Contrary to what our provincial government seems to think, in no way do these symbols prevent them from carrying out their work with empathy and professionalism, just like all healthcare workers should. We consider ourselves lucky to have them as physicians and we strongly believe that they are essential members of our healthcare system. It would be simply unacceptable to us should some of our colleagues be treated as second class citizens and be forced to choose between their job and their religion.
To read McGill’s brief in its entirety, click here.
To read the full JGH brief, click here.
Click here to view a thought-provoking video independently produced by Ari Grunzeweig of Imagination Creations on the Charter of Quebec Values that was recorded around the Jewish General Hospital.
Click here to read the join McGill Academic Health Network response to the proposed Charter of Values.
Click here to read the position statement of the McGill Nursing Undergraduate Society.
Click here to read an article in the Montreal Gazette about McGill residents’ opposition to the proposed Charter of Values.
Click here to read about the MUHC submission on Bill 60.
March 12, 2014