
Student, Trainee, Fellow involvement in the care of Ebola patients

In the context of the Ebola virus disease, the McGill Faculty of Medicine has been closely monitoring developments related to the care of Ebola patients. To date, there have been no confirmed Ebola cases in the province or Canada. The risk in Quebec is still considered to be low.

In dealing with a virus such as Ebola, the safety of students, trainees and fellows is our highest priority. Students, trainees and fellows are not expected to be involved in the direct care of patients with confirmed Ebola. They are expected to follow the hospital’s screening procedures, as well as instructions on the website of the Direction de la santé publique for suspect cases. If a student, trainee or fellow was providing care to a patient who is subsequently diagnosed with Ebola, he or she must be immediately excused from providing care and must follow the precautions for monitoring and isolation from the Direction de la santé publique and the hospital where they are working. Additionally, a confirmed diagnosis of a student, trainee or fellow must be reported to the applicable academic office.

For up-to-date information:

Direction de la santé publique website:

McGill Student Health Services: