
  1. To examine the status of youth in our society and its relevance for mental health.
  2. To understand the conceptual framework and translation of knowledge for redefining organization of mental health services within a youth perspective.
  3. To examine barriers to better mental health for our youth and the problems of transition.
  4. Setting up “Head Space” and other programs, and study what we can learn from experiences.


  • Professor Gilles Bibeau

    Department of Anthropology, Université de Montréal, Canada

  • Professor Patrick McGorry

    University of Melbourne, Australia, Executive Director, Orygen Youth Health (OYH) Research Centre

  • John Moran

    General Manager, Orygen Youth Health (OYH) Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia

  • Professor Swaran P. Singh

    University of Warwick, England, Head of Division, Mental Health and Well Being, Warwick Medical School


  • Ashok Malla, MD

    Canada Research Chair in Early Psychosis, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Director, Prevention and Early intervention Program for Psychosis, Douglas Institute

Consult the detailed program
Douglas Hall, Douglas Institute
How to get to the Douglas

Parking available on site for 3$ for the day.


Wednesday, November 30th 2011 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Conference presentations in English with simultaneous translation services on demand.

Target audience

Professionals and employers working in health services, general practitioners, students, researchers, residents, social organization and other professionals working with youth and young adults in mental health programs.


Participation: A certificate of attendance will be issued to all participants.

This event will be accredited by Continuing Medical Education (McGill). General practitioners may claim credits according to section 1 of the Fédération des Omnipraticiens du Québec (FMOQ).

Registration fees

Physicians and other professionals: 200$

Residents, OBNL employees, and students (a valid ID card is required ): 75$


Deadline for registration: November 11th 2011, no onsite registrations.

Cancellation: No reimbursements for cancellations received after November 11th, 2011.

By mail: Complete the registration form and return to Ms. Jessy Ranger at the address listed below. Make your cheque payable to Douglas Institute, Continuing Medical Education or online.


Jessy Ranger

Communication Advisor – Academic Events

Douglas Institute

Dobell Pavilion, Room B-2123

6875, LaSalle Boulevard

Montreal (Quebec) H4H 1R3

Telephone: 514 761-6131 ext. 2616
