Name: Raymond Tolentino 

Degree: Master of Science in Family Medicine (Medical Education Concentration) 

Hometown: Mississauga, Ontario 


What was your thesis topic ? 

My thesis, titled The Development of a Postgraduate Family Medicine Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Framework, focused on curricula development, artificial intelligence and postgraduate training.  


Please share a particularly proud moment from your degree? 

I was especially proud when I finally submitted my thesis for final submission.  


Your fave hangout/study spot? 

 Thomson House  


Any shoutouts?  

I would like to shoutout my supervisor Dr. Samira Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi for her guidance throughout my master’s degree and a shoutout to Dr. Pierre Pluye, my supportive co-supervisor, who passed away in 2023.  


Top tip for incoming students in your program?  

To the incoming students entering my program, I would say to surround yourself with a good team (other students, lab members, advisors, librarians, etc.), who can contribute in unique and helpful ways. Also, I would tell incoming students not to worry, and that everyone’s timeline, topic and experience is unique. Your work is worthy, and your timeline is perfect for you. 


Anything you’ll miss? 

I am going to miss the amazing staff, faculty and students that I’ve met at McGill’s Department of Family Medicine.  


What’s next for you?  

I am currently working as a researcher in Montreal and will potentially move onto a PhD after.  

